Google Reader is Going Away. . .

Friday, June 28, 2013

Hi guys! Just a quick post today to let you know that google reader is going away and if you follow me that way then I would love for you to switch over to another format so we can stay friends. Go like our facebook page, follow by email, or by bloglovin. (I finally jumped on that bandwagon.) Have a very happy Friday everyone!

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When it Rains it Pours. . .

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Thursday Y'all! (That's something to be happy about right? I mean its almost Friday.) Today's post is aptly titled due to the flooding that ensued when our bathroom sink decided to break last Monday afternoon when I got up for work. Picture a very tired and disgruntled Charity. So after having a minor major meltdown I took the advice of my oh so wise hubby and am using this as a blogging opportunity. Here's the sink in question in all of its broken glory:

And here's the repaired sink: (repaired by none other than moi!)

This was a relatively easy fix once I received the part needed from IKEA. Funny enough I did not even think to contact IKEA first. Instead I went to Lowe's in search of a piece that would work and the plumbing guy suggested for me to contact IKEA and maybe get the exact part I needed. Now I would love to say this was an easy process but since we bought this sink/faucet two years ago I of course did not have my receipt. (who saves those past the first few months? not me.) This presented a problem but after some back and forth with IKEA I was able to get a copy of my receipt emailed to me and we were back in business. The part I needed arrived on Tuesday and it took only twenty minutes from opening the package to repaired sink. I am very glad that Jose and I put this together ourselves the first time because otherwise I would have been clueless as to how the plumbing fit back together. Plumbing scares me. I just always envision flooding will ensue if not done exactly right and I hate the thought of a flooded bathroom.

In other news my car also had to go into the shop last week. Turns out what I thought was A/C issues was actually a cooling fan that if not repaired could cause my engine to overheat and die. I feel like last week was just not my week but this week is shaping up quite nicely. Tonight for instance I am going to Beaufort to see my wonderful mother in law be inducted as president of her Rotary Club. So I hope that everyone has a fantastic end to their week and an even better weekend!

"Mawage is Wot Bwings Us Togeder Tooday."

Monday, June 24, 2013

So in case you are wondering I did not forget how to spell in the title there. I just thought this quote from the Princess Bride was fitting for today's post.

Today I wanted to show you guys the dress I made for my best friends wedding (I know enough of the movie references already). I am the Matron of Honor in this awesome shindig and could not be more excited for her or her fiance. When Joni and I first started discussing wedding plans the thought popped into my head that I should make my attire for her wedding. (I know super ballsy of me but hey that's how I roll) Luckily Joni is awesome and played along with my little plan even though I am sure she was holding her breath that this would turn out well. I mean I would have been if someone who is only a marginally good seamstress got it in her head that she would make her dress for my wedding. Really I am surprised she didn't tell me no. (I would have.)

But she is awesome and appeased me. So I first scoured pinterest for an idea for said dress. That's when I came across this and this. So from then on out I was convinced I was making an infinity dress and that's just what I did. I will spare you the tutorial because those two links lead to amazing tutorials that explain much better than I ever could. I will however show you my finished product:

Sorry for the not so great photos. My photographer seems to be busy with an internship or something. 

What do you think? I am in love! I cannot wait to wear this for Joni's big day! Now I am off to find purple shoes to go with it. (Can you guess what the wedding colors are?) Judging by the amount of time this project took and how well it turned out I think my sewing skills are greatly improving. My next feat will be the dreaded pattern sewing. Wish me luck!

Linking Up Today With:

How to Rewire a Yard Sale Lamp.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hiya guys and gals! I was planning a completely different post for today but things didn't work out quite as planned. (Hence a late post). Anyway here we are and today I wanted to show you how I turned two five dollar yard sale lamps into the perfect lighting for our living room.

Ever since I built the sofa table I have envisioned have two lamps for each end instead of the one in the middle. (The one lamp felt a little shrimpy to me and out of place.) The only issue was finding affordable lamps that Jose and I liked. I looked everywhere to no avail. Then one day while I was making Jose procrastinate about studying and go yard sale-ing (I know this is not a verb but its a fun word right?) with me we came across these beauties:

Well I know not exactly beautiful at first glance but I could see potential and for five dollars who could pass them up. The only reservation we both had was the fact that I am sure these were still wired from around 1960. Not exactly safe or giving me a fuzzy feeling about plugging them into our outlets. Luckily this was such an easy fix. We bought two replacement cords from Lowe's for $6 a piece and just switched them out with the old ones. Lowe's sells an entire rewiring kit but the sockets looked to be in good shape it was just the wires in these lamps.

The process of rewiring these lamps was incredibly easy. I just followed the instructions included with the cord. (And trust me if I can rewire something you can too. ) Here's a quick run down of the steps but like I said the kit includes great instructions:

Step 1: Remove the Socket from the lamp base

Step 2: Unscrew the two screws holding the old wires in place

Step 3: remove old cord from the lamp

Step 4: Feed new cord through the lamp

Step 5: Place wire ends behind screws and screw down
Step 6: Replace the socket

Step 7: Add your light bulb and lamp shade and you are good to go.

As for a lamp shade this was almost as difficult as finding the lamps themselves. I did not want to pay $20 a shade for the ones I found I liked. So I scoured thrift stores and finally on Wednesday I came across the perfect lamp shades (matching none the less) and they only set me back $10 for the both of them.  I am thinking of painting the shades or maybe recovering them with some awesome fabric. However I am going to live with them for a bit before making big changes. 

What do you guys think of the new lamps? Would you ever attempt rewiring of a lamp? I can't decide if I am going to leave these their greenish copper color or if they are going to get a good coat of spray paint. What do you think? To paint or not to paint? That is the question.

Today I will be linking up with: 

Turning a Famed Comic Strip into Art

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sorry guys that I did not make it around to posting this on Thursday. It has been a busy week. My mom came into town and so I was enjoying rare time with her. Anyway what I was planning to tell you guys about is our newly completed Calvin and Hobbes art work for the living room. If you have checked out the home tour page then you have seen half of this baby.

I can take no credit for this project. Jose did it all. (Hence the reason it was done in stages, silly law school got in the way) But now that it is done I love it! I mean I will admit I was a little skeptical of how a comic strip would look on our wall. I was thinking it would look a little bit college apartment for my tastes. However I think the finished product looks amazing! It really fills in the space on our one massive wall with no window.

Well now that I have gushed about how awesome it is and how amazing my hubby is lets get down to business. How did he do it? Well here's the part that took a few revisions to get it right. Our first thought was to just have each panel printed on trace paper so it could easily be transferred. (Turns out no one prints on trace paper.) Plan two was to have the images printed at staples (which we did) and then just tape them to the back of the canvas and trace them that way. This way half way worked. The only drawback to this was trying to get enough light through the canvas to see the print. The third and final attempt was a combination of taping it to the back and just free handing what you could not see.

As you can see they turned out amazing and we have a large wall of art work for under $50 dollars. (We caught the canvases on sale at A.C. Moore.) Also if you are wondering what supplies we used here they are:
4 18x24 Canvas
Regular Sharpie
Brush Tip Sharpie
Prints of your favorite comic from Staples

Fresh "Prints" of Pemberley. . .

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sorry this post is a day late. I have been a bit under the weather. Anyway I am back today with just a quick update we did to our bedroom. (Some time around February). Our bedroom has been the room that it takes me the longest to decide to put things on the wall and decorate. (I think its because I do not get much sleep so I do not spend much time in there.) Finally though I did get around to hanging a small collage of prints up.

Per my usually all the frames were found at the thrift store for about 0.65 cents or less. I then just took some white spray paint to them so they all matched. As for the prints they were all free and here's a list of where those came from:

All of the other prints came from this website. 

This was such a small project but it really changed this little corner of our bedroom. My favorite part about it is that when our door is open you can see these beauties down the hall.

Well folks that's all I have for you today! Hope everyone is having a fantastic week and not suffering from summer colds like me. Check back on Thursday to see what an amazing artist Jose is!

Today I am linking up with: 

Patio Remodel for under $100 dollars

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Before Shot. 
Happy Friday All! Did those of you on the lower east coast survive Tropical Storm Andrea with little to no damage? I hope so. We are all fine here just a little water logged from all the rain lately. Anyway sorry for my delayed post. (I was secretly hoping I could blame it on the weather but it honestly did not get that bad at our place.) Instead I will blame it on the fact that I am now an adjunct college professor (if you want to get technical about the name). Really I am teaching clinic at the hospital I work at for Respiratory Students. So I will blame it on being a little overwhelmed from that.

Anyway my excuses are not why I am posting today. I am so excited to show off our new (actually been there all along) patio. So when we moved in a few years ago and decided to remodel our bathroom (you can see that project here), we also bought a patio set and umbrella from Ikea. When we bought these two I envisioned we would sit out there every night during nice weather eating dinner and have a ton of cook outs to go along with it. Reality is that the poor patio set has been very neglected and we have entirely too many bugs in the summer to sit out there every night. But hopefully that is going to change (the neglect not the bugs they are here to stay unfortunately) with my latest spruce up project because seriously guys I am in LOVE! 

So let me show you what I am so in love with: 

Isn't it just so cheerful? I mean I think I could sit out here every morning and have coffee now. If you are wondering how I got this thing painted well that was quite a chore. My first inclination was to spray paint the whole thing. I mean how easy would that be right. Wrong! Apparently wood soaks up A LOT of spray paint! Even with priming first I would still have needed too many cans of spray paint. So I opted for some nice exterior paint in a gloss from Lowe's. I think the color was happy jonquil by Valspar. And just rolled it right onto the table and chairs. Now this this not perfect and there are spots that are impossible to get (thanks to the slats) but I am in love and like the Nester says "it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful". As for the awesome rug that was a Target breakdown buy. I was planning to paint one of those as well but Jose convinced me to just go for the one I liked in target. (Gosh I love that man.) So there she is my new patio and I cannot wait to have people over for a cook out! 

As for a cost breakdown we already had the patio set and umbrella (I think when we bought them the umbrella was $79 and the patio set was $60 maybe). Here is the rest of the break down:

Paint: $13
Spray Primer: $12
Spray Paint (before realizing it was a bad plan): $6
Roller and sponge: Free (already on hand)
Rug: $60
Total for the spruce up: $91 
Had I opted to forgo the rug I would have only spent $31 dollars to update the patio but I really feel the rug makes the space. 

What do you guys think? How did you fare through Tropical Storm Andrea? To all of you still in Andrea's path good luck and I hope you have a kayak if you need to go anywhere.

Today I am linking up with: 

No I Did Not Get Eaten by a Velociraptor. . .

Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm baaaaack! I know I have been MIA for the past week but no I did not fall off the face of the planet. I was just spending some quality time with the hubby before he started his internship. (Read sad face that I have now lost my hubby to another law school thing.) I know I only post here twice a week but between work-life and home-life that is a lot for me right now. So it was nice to take a little vacation from the blog and come back at it with renewed since of vigor! And boy do I have a ton of projects for you this summer!

In the spirit of my OCD and list making extravaganzas I thought I would share with you my master list of projects. (That way you can be excited too and come back to see how awesome they turn out!) That last statement should be read like a awkward teenage girl hoping the most popular kid in class will talk to her (Me=awkward teenage girl, You Guys= most popular kid in school).  Anyway without further rambling here is my master list of summer projects:

Summer Must Do:

1. Paint outdoor patio set. (I actually will be sharing this with you guys on Thursday)

2. Redo my Grandparents buffet that my wonderful Mother gave to us. 

3. Rewire/paint? some awesome yard sale lamps that I bought a few months ago.

4. Finish the Calvin and Hobbes artwork that is going in our living room. 

5. Finally refinish the chair I bought for the office

6. Landscape the backyard (Nothing too fancy just something other than weeds!)

7. And my least favorite of all: Paint Trim in pretty much the whole house. 

So what do you guys think? Do you like to make lists upon lists? Or would you prefer a more laid back style for the summer? Make sure to come back Thursday to see the newly decorated patio!

Today I am linking up with: 

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