Week One 31 Days to clean

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

So if you guys have checked out Sarah Mae's blog then you know that this cleaning challenge is not just about cleaning. Its a spiritual journey as well. This week was a tough one to stay on track for me. I work night shift and cleaning (even small amounts) is the last thing on my mind after work. However I persevered and got my bedroom in order, as this was the challenge of the week. Here's a quick recap of each day's challenges: (Check out Sarah Mae's blog for the full challenges)
Day One: Distractions
       Today was all about recognizing what we let distract us from spending time with God, family, and getting daily tasks done. Then we cleaned out our closets.
Day Two: Sitting before doing
       This continued the distractions theme, and we looked into taking time for quiet time daily and spending time the word. Today's cleaning task was to clean out our dressers
Day Three: When life becomes worship
         Today was about priorities. Knowing where our priorities lie and knowing that they should be linear underneath our relationship with God. Today was also a catch up day in cleaning or starting to clean out from under our beds.
Day Four: Lazy Bones
         Today's Mary challenge was to look up as many references to the word lazy in the bible and what the consequences were. Also to look up the benefits of a diligent life. Today's Martha challenge was to continue plugging away in our bedrooms. Cleaning out from under the bed or just catching up in general.
Day Five: How to become a Slave
        Today's Mary Challenge was to recognize what God may be leading us away from in our lives, be it a siutation or a thing. Today's Martha Challenge was to finish up our bedrooms in whatever manner necessary.

So as I mentioned earlier I did well at the beginning of the week and then fell behind a little towards the end of the week. I did get all caught up though. I am truly enjoying being a part of this motivational and looking forward to recapping you guys on this weeks lessons learned and rooms cleaned.

Have any of you undertaken any cleaning projects lately? What about new bible studies? I would love to hear about them.

31 Days to Clean Has Begun

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So I plan to do a wrap up with pictures and everything at the end of the week but I just felt that I really needed to share how today's challenge has spoken to me. Today is Distractions part 2 "Sitting before Doing". This is seriously a struggle for me. I am not good at just sitting and having quiet time before starting my day and once my day begins I am always thinking to the next thing I have to do.

Today's Mary Challenge was to read and meditate on Psalm 119. Which if you have ever read it is quite the long Psalm but is so packed with praise to God. The Psalmist amazes me with how prayerful and praising he is throughout everything. My meditation verse for the day is Psalm 119:176
"I have strayed like a lost sheep, 
seek your servant, 
for I have not forgotten your commands" NIV
I think we can all say at some point in our walks with Christ that we have felt like this. I think I never truly forget how good God is or his commands but I continually stray from him. 

Today's Martha Challenge is to clean out our dressers so we will see how that goes. Anyway its not to late to get into the challenge. Just head here and you can catch up. Come back on Friday to see what my first week of 31 days to clean has been like. Have a fantastic Tuesday everyone!

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