Day 27-30: Rule #1: Cardio, Cardio, Cardio (even if there are gale force winds)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

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Yesterday was a long day for Jose and I. We each did 5ks (Jose for the first time). The day started out early with my 5k at eight and ended late with his at five. A fun fact about the early morning 5k was that hurricane sandy decided to make an appearance and my run was at the beach. So I have to say that this was a very memorable run to say the least. Also this was memorable because it was one of my coworkers first 5k's and she did awesome! Since I have done 5ks before I am going to let Jose tell you about his experience with his first 5k. (His was also more interested since it included zombies.)

So I survived my first 5k. It wasn't even the zombies that almost killed me it was the running, however as far as first 5k's go I think I did alright. My race was the rUNDEAD 5k with zombies trying to attack me in the Charlestown Landing County Park. I didn't really think about it beforehand but my first 5k turned out to be a trail run complete with obstacles. I was uninformed there would be hills and they were not even that big, but while running they seemed unconquerable. It was a nice run along the marsh, over some hay bales, and through a few old barns. This was a good first 5k because I now know I have a great deal of prepping before the rugged maniac run in March. 

I also want to give a huge thank you to Charity for making me run/go to the gym on days I didn't want to go. Thanks Charity I love you very much.

 Hope everyone has had a great weekend. 

Day 26: Hope You Came Back. . .

Friday, October 26, 2012

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Yesterday I showed you guys my shameful office/craft room. Well today I am back to show you the after. I hope you are as impressed as I am, because I did not think that this would ever get done. (My allergies did not think so either.) I am just going to let the pictures do the talking here (we still have a little left to sort through but we will be getting to that in the coming days). Hope you enjoy!

Day 25: Please Still Like Me. . .

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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I am beyond embarrassed to show you our next de-cluttering project. That's why the title. I hope you all will still want to read after seeing this monstrosity It makes all our previous ones look like nothing. Also it may qualify us for an episode of hoarders. . .

Yup that's our office/craft room, and as you can tell not a lot of officing (not a word but just role with it) or crafting has been going on in here lately. This is going to be a two day undertaking, therefore I just wanted to give you the before today in hopes that you will come back tomorrow to see the after. (That is if I do not get lost trying to clean this place up.)

Please tell me everyone has a room like this, or at the very least a room that just collects things that have no home. Anyway I would love to hear about yours, it might make me feel a little better about ours.

Day 23-24: In Living Clutter. . .

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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Along with up-cycling our awesome antique dresser we also got around to de-cluttering the living room. This room has to be the worst about attracting clutter. Weather it be paper (mail) or just junk in general it lands here first. So most of this de-cluttering process was just us managing to put things away where they go and sorting through the mail. Nothing too exciting here, but we are happy with the results.

Is your living room a hot spot for clutter? What do you do to keep it in check? I would love to hear suggestions as to keeping your living spaces clutter free.

Day 22: An Entertainment Center 100 Years in the Making

Monday, October 22, 2012

I know this post is late and most of you are in the bed. I just wanted to share with you guys how Jose and I turned our 100 year old dresser into a functioning entertainment center.  This was actually quite an easy project and relatively inexpensive. In order to have the dresser house our satellite box and xbox in a more aesthetic way we took out the top drawer and replaced it with some plywood we had left over from another project. We also had to drill a hole into the back of the dresser for the cords. (this had Jose and I both holding our breath) We wanted the plywood to look a little more finished so Jose picked up a book that the law library was going to discard and we went to town mod podging the plywood with the pages. This was the first time we had worked with mod podge and it was actually very easy. I hope you guys enjoy the photos of our new entertainment center as much as we are enjoying having it completed.

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Day 21: Celebrating Three Years of Marriage with Three Days in the Mountains

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jose and I got back from our camping trip yesterday. Today we have spent the entire day catching up on house projects for you guys. We thought that we would share our camping trip with you guys today and get back to the house things tomorrow. I think I will let the pictures speak for themselves. However, Jose wants me to let everyone know we hiked seven miles on Friday. (This almost killed us!) We had a great time and for those that know me I even had fun camping (even though we saw a snake!).
This was the view from our campsite 

My fabulous thirty one tote (thanks Tiff) 

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Day 17-20: Three Wonderful Years

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today is not about cleaning, de-cluttering or the like. Today Jose and I celebrate three amazing years of marriage. In honor of this we are taking a little camping vacation, so we will not be blogging for a few days! But we will be back on Sunday with pics from our camping trip and catching up on the de-cluttering train. Before we go though I must tell you what my amazing husband did for me. I work night shift as I have said before and he has evening classes so we don't get to do dinner together a lot. So Jose in his awesomeness brought me a three course meal complete with sparkling grape juice to work last night at midnight to celebrate the dawning of our anniversary. He even remembered to get red velvet cake because that's what our wedding cake was. Isn't he just the greatest!!! He also brought flowers too. I have never gotten flowers at work so this was such a special gesture.

What are your anniversary traditions? And how long have you been married? I love hearing others love stories so please feel free to share.

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Day 16: A Quick Kitchen Cabinet Update

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today I tackled one of our kitchen cabinets. I know what you are thinking only one? However the kitchen much like the office that we have not dared to let you guys see yet is going to be a beast to clean out. Therefore I must do what I can in stages. Now most of you (especially if everything in your kitchen looks impeccable) will wonder why a kitchen de-clutter is even necessary.

Well I love to cook and bake, so I tend to have anxiety issues about parting with any kitchen utensils. Whether we have fifty of them or not. We might need it for heaven's sake! For this challenge though I am going to purge our kitchen of duplicates and get it to a feasible working order, starting with this one cabinet. (Hey you've got to start somewhere, right?)

The Before

The After

Do you guys have an immaculate kitchen? One that Better Homes and Garden should be begging to photograph. Or are you like me and it could use a little love, shall we say? I would love to hear about it. 

Like what you see? We would be honored if you would follow us by email. Just enter your email address in the side bar, its as easy as that! You can also share us with all your friends on facebook and twitter. 

Day 15: Going Old School for a Pantry

Monday, October 15, 2012

Since I am currently on a stretch of working. I thought I would share a project that I did about a week before this challenge started. Jose's lockers for our bedroom inspired me to create a little project of my own. I convinced him to buy another bank of lockers for me to turn into a pantry for our kitchen. This has been an amazing addition to our kitchen because it has freed up a larger cabinet in there so that when I start de-cluttering I can move things up to a more organized state.

Jose insisted that I let you guys know just how difficult it was for him to take a bank of five lockers and break it down into just a bank of two. I will give him this since he so willingly stood out in the august heat and took apart what some could call indestructible lockers. He is my superhero that's for sure. So on to the lockers. We painted them a nice shade of white so they would blend in our kitchen nicely. I also added some baskets that I found a the Dollar Tree for extra organization.

What unconventional pantry ideas have you guys used? Any new organizing projects for you guys?

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Day 14: Going to the Chapel

Sunday, October 14, 2012

This post is not really about organizing or de-cluttering but I just wanted to share an exciting event from this weekend. Two of my coworkers got married on Saturday night. It was a lovely ceremony at sunset on the beach. I couldn't be happier for those two. The exciting part for me (besides the super fun wedding reception) was that they asked me to bake a cake for the cake table. For those of you that don't know I love to bake, and have even toyed with the idea of opening  a bakery one day.  I of course decided to over do it and make a two tier cake complete with bow cake topper. This also was no ordinary cake as I made it zebra marbled. I was also honored when they decided to use my cake as the wedding cake! (Imagine me all calm and collected on the outside but jumping like a five year old on Christmas on the inside.) So without hesitation here is my first ever wedding cake:

Are you guys bakers? Have you every made a wedding cake? I would love to hear about it and am always open to suggestions on baking.

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Day 8-13: Reunited and It Feels so Good

Sorry guys that I am so behind on this thirty one days. Its been a heck of a week. Our Internet went out a few weeks ago and has been sketchy since it was "fixed". Yesterday we finally had a technician come out and properly fix it. It turns out that our phone jack was bad, so three weeks of sketchy Internet just because of a phone jack. Now that we have working Internet I plan to get caught up and stay there.

Without further ado we continue our quest to de-clutter our home. this weeks project was our master bedroom. I would love to say this is always a place of relaxation but most of the time it is cluttered with laundry (both clean and dirty). So the biggest step in cleaning out our bedroom was to put away the laundry, and hopefully keep it put away.

The next step/went on at the same time was to clean out my closet. I have an unnatural attachment to clothing. I love to create a false situation in which I may one day wear something I have not worn in years. This time I just ripped off the band aid and got rid of things. This was difficult but lets be honest who needs a closet full of clothes they will never wear. On a side note I am working on defining my personal style, therefore I attempted to get rid of things that did not mesh with my since of style anymore.

Anyway enough of my jabbering  about my closet here is the proof that even with sketchy Internet we have been sticking to de-cluttering each room in our home.

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