Its (almost) the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. . .

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Like what you see? We would be honored if you would follow us by email. Just enter your email address in the side bar, its as easy as that! You can also share us with all your friends on facebook and twitter.

I know I promised two posts a week a few weeks ago, but honestly we have done nothing but normal day to day things for a few weeks now. No new house projects to speak of and nothing super exciting to share in our day to day. Today though I just wanted to write and see what your thoughts were on decorating before Thanksgiving.


Now I am normally of the camp that says Christmas season begins the day after Thanksgiving not a moment before. However this year I have the itch to start decorating. Now I know some of  you are thinking its only a week so what is the big deal if there is a tree and lights up a week beforehand. For me though I feel as if it would be breaking some universal law that says Thanksgiving is its own holiday and needs to be celebrated before the decorations go up.

Anyway enough of my rambles. What do you think? Is your house decked for the holidays or are you like me and waiting one more week (even though you secretly want to turn your house into a winter wonderland like yesterday)? I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Who knows you may make me change my mind about the waiting game. . .


Monday, November 5, 2012

Like what you see? We would be honored if you would follow us by email. Just enter your email address in the side bar, its as easy as that! You can also share us with all your friends on facebook and twitter.

This is my contemplative mood.
Sorry guys that we have been M.I.A since last week. I meant to do a wrap up of our 31 days challenge and tell you guys what it was like to blog for 31 days straight. So I plan to do that now with a promise to go along with it.

What was it like to blog for 31 days straight? DIFFICULT! More difficult that I could have ever thought. As I have said before I work night shift and Jose is an employee of the school as well as a student so free time is not something we have a lot of and keeping up with posting every day just got the best of us. However, saying all that I am so glad we did this challenge. Not only is our guest room habitable but our office can now be used for crafting, sewing, and officing (my awesome made up word).

This challenge also showed us that our lives are too busy to keep up with blogging everyday. This is where the promise part comes in. . . We promise to post at least two times a week from here on out. Things may not always be about our home as we want this to be a time capsule of our first home as well as wedded life.

 I hope you guys that have found us through 31 days challenge will continue to stick around. It has been wonderful hearing from people we do not know in real life.  Anyway I feel this post is getting wordy so lets move on. We just wanted to say a quick thanks for sticking out the 31 days and all its craziness.

If you are a blogger, how often do you blog? Was it difficult as first to get a topic in everyday, week, month? We would love to hear about it.

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