Motherhood These Days. . .

Friday, September 30, 2016

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Good afternoon everyone. So today I want to introduce you to a new series I am going to be doing here on Knotted Sugar called "Motherhood these days". I know this will not be for everyone, but as I am in the trenches of mothering two littles I want to document it. So that one day when they are older I can remember what this time was really like. I mean let's be honest I don't have enough brain cells left to remember it without writing it down. So I hope you enjoy!

I feel this picture describes how I feel most days. Would love a little space but someone is always there. 

New Name and Such . . .-

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Why the new name? Guys can I be honest, I feel like I have really let this little space on the Internet go and some of that is because when I started this blog it was to document the changes in our home, but now that we are apartment dwellers I have far less home diy type things to post about. However that doesn't mean I don't have things to post they are just more in the everyday life, look how cute my kiddos are realm.

Immaline's 4 month photos

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hi all. So can I confess a #badmom moment, when Teddy arrived I was so excited to make sure we took newborn photos. I mean like obsessively excited about it and therefore it happened. I took pictures of every little squishy detail and with my real camera not just my phone. Fast forward two years and our beautiful baby girl arrives. I had really good intentions but managing two kiddos is tough (a lot tougher than I thought it would be) and so time just slipped away from me. Before I knew it Immaline was no longer a squishy newborn but a squishy infant. I say all this to tell you that we have phone photos and maybe a few haphazard camera photos of her first few weeks earth side but nothing really pinterest newborn photo session worthy.

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