When it Rains it Pours. . .

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Thursday Y'all! (That's something to be happy about right? I mean its almost Friday.) Today's post is aptly titled due to the flooding that ensued when our bathroom sink decided to break last Monday afternoon when I got up for work. Picture a very tired and disgruntled Charity. So after having a minor major meltdown I took the advice of my oh so wise hubby and am using this as a blogging opportunity. Here's the sink in question in all of its broken glory:

And here's the repaired sink: (repaired by none other than moi!)

This was a relatively easy fix once I received the part needed from IKEA. Funny enough I did not even think to contact IKEA first. Instead I went to Lowe's in search of a piece that would work and the plumbing guy suggested for me to contact IKEA and maybe get the exact part I needed. Now I would love to say this was an easy process but since we bought this sink/faucet two years ago I of course did not have my receipt. (who saves those past the first few months? not me.) This presented a problem but after some back and forth with IKEA I was able to get a copy of my receipt emailed to me and we were back in business. The part I needed arrived on Tuesday and it took only twenty minutes from opening the package to repaired sink. I am very glad that Jose and I put this together ourselves the first time because otherwise I would have been clueless as to how the plumbing fit back together. Plumbing scares me. I just always envision flooding will ensue if not done exactly right and I hate the thought of a flooded bathroom.

In other news my car also had to go into the shop last week. Turns out what I thought was A/C issues was actually a cooling fan that if not repaired could cause my engine to overheat and die. I feel like last week was just not my week but this week is shaping up quite nicely. Tonight for instance I am going to Beaufort to see my wonderful mother in law be inducted as president of her Rotary Club. So I hope that everyone has a fantastic end to their week and an even better weekend!

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