New Name and Such . . .-

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Why the new name? Guys can I be honest, I feel like I have really let this little space on the Internet go and some of that is because when I started this blog it was to document the changes in our home, but now that we are apartment dwellers I have far less home diy type things to post about. However that doesn't mean I don't have things to post they are just more in the everyday life, look how cute my kiddos are realm.

So for any of you still reading this little blog of mine it will now be known as Knotted Sugar because life can be oh so twisty, knotted, and complicated but beyond sweet as well. And for any of you guys who remember I had an Etsy shop way back when, well it will be making a grand reopening soon as Knotted Sugar Crafts. I am hoping by the second week of October but that means I have to get busy making lots of goodies.

I hope you guys enjoy the name change and I am excited for what Knotted Sugar is going to become!

P.S. You will see Our Pemberley on all old photos because this Mama does not have time to go back and re-brand them all. Thanks for understanding.

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