Hi all. So can I confess a #badmom moment, when Teddy arrived I was so excited to make sure we took newborn photos. I mean like obsessively excited about it and therefore it happened. I took pictures of every little squishy detail and with my real camera not just my phone. Fast forward two years and our beautiful baby girl arrives. I had really good intentions but managing two kiddos is tough (a lot tougher than I thought it would be) and so time just slipped away from me. Before I knew it Immaline was no longer a squishy newborn but a squishy infant. I say all this to tell you that we have phone photos and maybe a few haphazard camera photos of her first few weeks earth side but nothing really pinterest newborn photo session worthy.
Insert me frantically searching pinterest for 3-4 month photography ideas. Thankfully this is a thing and I got some great ideas to use when taking her photos. Anyway enough rambling and I hope you guys enjoy seeing our little princess. We are so thankful for how she completes our family and she is such a ray of sunshine. (And relatively chill which is nice when you have a two year old who doesn't exactly know what chill means let alone embody it.)
My faithful photography assistant |
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