Well I Guess We Are Minnesotans Now. . .

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hi everyone. Sorry I sort of fell off the face of the planet for a few weeks months. Moving is rough when its in your current city. Moving 20 hours away is just plain torturous. Now that we are here though Duluth really is such a beautiful city. I cannot wait to really explore it for the next two years.I thought I would use this post to update everyone on what has been going on these past three months since arriving in Duluth, MN.

First and foremost, if you are reading this and not a Facebook friend, you might not know that we are expecting baby number two in May. In typical pregnant me fashion I once again look like I am carrying twins (but as you can see only one baby in that ultrasound pic). I am hoping this time around not to gain as much weight as I did with little man but who knows. Also in pregnancy news we have our anatomy scan ultrasound on December 14th so we will find out if this little one is a boy or a girl in just a couple of weeks. Be on the lookout for a fun gender reveal!

We have also gotten to experience our first "snowfall". I use quotations because while it snowed about 3 inches each time and stuck, it has usually melted by the next day. It is adorable however because Teddy is in love with the snow and will run to the window to watch it come down. Having a kid really does bring the magic back to everyday things. I love seeing him so excited. I keep waiting for those monster snow storms you always hear about but so far we have been lucky. Apparently it has been a much warmer fall and winter than usual. For instance it is supposed to be 38 degrees today! (I know all of you Charleston folks are jealous)

Teddy is getting ginormous. He had his 18 month check up and weighs 31 pounds and is 33 inches long. I often look at him and wonder where our little baby went. He is also getting more independent (and demanding) daily. Toddler-hood has officially descended upon our household and some days are better than others. Of course if you were to visit he would be a sweet angel because we only save those colossal meltdowns for Mommy and Daddy. Along with this new independence though is a desire to help us do everyday things. I am hoping this desire sticks around when the new baby gets here because I love that he will bring the diapers and wipes when asked. Hey he even vacuumed for me the other day. (see Instagram for proof) He also is starting to speak more and we are starting to understand a lot more of it too. I miss him being so small and needing me for everything but this is a fun stage too and it is so helpful when he can tell me what he needs as opposed to a crazy guessing game. 

I guess that is really all for now. I am hoping to put together some nursery mood boards for you guys soon. I have pretty much nailed down what I want if this little one is a girl but I am seriously stumped for a boy. This time around will be so different because we are living in an apartment (that I love) and we cannot put wood on the ceiling and paint the walls. So any of you renters out there have some awesome nursery ideas or just decor ideas in general to spice up apartment decorating I will gladly accept them. Also anyone have ideas for a boy nursery (just in case) please feel free to share. 

(Sorry for the Instagram photo dump. I have been relying on IG more lately than my DSLR. I am hoping to remedy that soon)

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