A Little More Minnesota Exploring

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hi everyone. Today I just wanted to share with you some photos we took while driving up the North Shore to some of Duluth's neighboring towns. We decided to drive up the north shore to see more of the fall colors. It is already beautiful in the city but we wanted to see all that fall had to offer here. Our goal was to drive up the Grand Marais, MN but we stopped just short of that. Minnesota really does have such an untouched beauty still. I mean parts of South Carolina are that way but those parts are quickly disappearing due to people and businesses moving in. Here it seems you can go miles and miles without encountering civilization. I mean it could have something to do with the further north you go the worse the winters will be. If if helps to understand how far north I am talking about, we were almost to Canada. (About 80 miles south of Canada I think.)

Anyway one of the beautiful sights was the split rock light house. Due to timing we didn't get to hike around the light house but there was a beautiful overlook where we were able to get some awesome photographs.

Next we headed further up the North Shore to a fall color loop that we had heard about from a local fall color website. This was such a beautiful drive even though Teddy decided he had enough of the car seat about half way through the 50 mile loop. Even with his antics though we saw such beautiful scenery and even saw two moose. Apparently that is a rarity even though Minnesota has moose they are usually too scared of cars to get close to the roads. I think it helped that by the time we saw them it was dusk and so most car traffic had settled down. 

Overall we are really enjoying exploring our new home. And on the plus side apparently we have brought the warmer weather with us. It usually should be consistently in the 50's as highs but we have only had a few days below highs of 60's. Maybe we will bring a milder winter with us too because this southern girl is terrified of driving in the snow!

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