Nursery Ideas: The Mood Boards

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Good Morning All! So we still have 4 days until we find out if this little one is a mister or a miss, but to appease myself while waiting I have been scouting out nursery ideas. I loved Teddy's nursery and I dare say it was my favorite room in our home. So I expect nothing less this time around. Even though we are renting I want this little one to have a stellar nursery just like their big brother.

One thing we are going to have to accommodate for is that we have a two bedroom apartment. Now we could make Teddy share his room and that would be most logical but he is a light sleeper and this Mama doesn't want two awake little ones in the middle of the night. (Let's be honest Teddy took way too long to sleep through the night so I am not going to mess that one up!) So that leaves us with two options: 1) We could carve out an area in our bedroom for the new little one or 2) We can use the walk in closet that is positioned off of our living room as a nursery. Now I know for some they would want baby right with them but I just do not sleep when they are in the same room. I wake up with every little grunt or deep breath so the walk-in closet is our best option.

Now before you chastise me for putting a baby in a closet you should Google/Pinterest this idea. I mean people have made some pretty awesome nursery spaces with less square footage than we will be working with. Also this gives me a true space to turn into a nursery without having to piggy back off of Teddy's nursery theme.

So on to the mood boards. I really loved Teddy's woodland theme but not too themey (yeah I know, not a word, but it sounds cool right) nursery. I want to go the same route with this nursery and have a theme but have it be more fluid than just a cookie cutter nursery set. Again I want to make a quilt for this little one like I did for their big brother. Anyway for a girl here is what I am thinking:

I am really feeling the Aztec vibe for a nursery this time around. Just adapted to coral, navy, mint, and gold instead of more traditional Aztec colors for a sweet little girl. 

And for a little boy: 
Still Aztec but with a different color scheme

So as you can see I really want an Aztec or tribal vibe for a nursery this time around. After completing these two I am so excited to start on our nursery once we know boy or girl on Monday! What do you guys think? Do you like to do mood boards to have an idea for rooms or just let it come together as you go? Now that I see these laid out I think I might incorporate some of the colors for a little boys nursery into the little girl version if this little one is a girl. I actually think there will be a lot of crossover between the two no matter the sex of this little one.  I hope everyone has a great weekend and keep a look out next week for our gender reveal!

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