Baby Gonzalez Number 2 is a . . .

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hi all. So I know that all of you are on pins and needles wondering what we are expecting. Well . . .

Please excuse my poor picmonkey skills. 

That's right we are going to have a baby girl added to our family in May (at least we are 90 percent sure). She did not want to give us a great shot with her legs open, but we didnt see any boy parts so little girl it is. We are so very excited to be diving into the world of girly things. (Well I am beyond excited but Jose may be a little apprehensive about adding more estrogen to our household.) I cannot wait to start on our little Miss's nursery and start accumulating all things girly! I hope to post here more regularly about our little girl's nursery and such, so check back often!

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