A Year Without Purchasing New Clothes. . . Can I do it?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

So those of you that know Jose and I in real life know that we enjoy a good challenge.  This one will mostly be for me though. I am going to go a whole year and not buy any new clothes. I will be able to buy things from thrift stores or consignment stores just nothing can be brand new. Now I know this seems a little drastic but I need to get my closet under control and since I am hoping to fit back into my clothes from before Teddy one of these days I don't want a ton of in between clothes clogging up my closet. I also think I have a slight shopping problem especially when it comes to clearance racks. So here's to hoping this helps me curb my shopping habit and gives me the push I need to lose the baby weight. I will be updating here periodocally about this challenge (think monthly).

Have you ever done a no shopping challenge? If so how did it go? I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Would you ever consider doing a challenge like this? If so I would love for you to join me! Just leave a comment and tell me about it. 

Teddy's 10 week Photo

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hi all. So Teddy was officially ten weeks last Friday but true to my style I am just now posting his picture.

Teddy is finally sleeping in six to seven hour stretches pretty consistently and is doling out tons of toothless grins. I am pretty sure those smiles make even the worst night better. At his two month check up Teddy weighed 13 pounds 3 ounces and was 23 1/4 inches long. Much to this Mommy's sorrow he is starting to outgrow his three month clothes and can fit into some six month outfits. His main issue is his height not his chunkiness.  I think he is going to be a tall boy. Another fun thing he is starting to do is to "talk". Obviously no formed words are happening yet but he just babbles on to Jose and I in the mornings. He hasn't quite learned that mommy needs her coffee before we chat. 

Anyway I hope you all are having a great week. Come back tomorrow to hear about a new challenge I am starting. Happy Wednesday!

Experiencing the Opposite of Mommy Wars

Monday, July 14, 2014

And this picture has nothing to do with the post I just thought everyone could use a little Teddy cuteness!
Good Morning Y'all. I hope that every ones weekend was enjoyable and restful. Today's blog post is something a little different. Lately I have been thinking a lot about how motherhood brings people together in the most unlikely ways. For instance I was in Burlington Coat Factory last week when I happened to have Teddy in his stroller. This is a rare occurrence because I normally wear him but I had pulled a muscle in my shoulder. Anyway the point is that I started talking to a mom with a daughter two weeks younger than Teddy because she was in search of a new stroller and wanted to know if I liked mine. Immediately we connected past discussing strollers and started talking baby weight and how long we pushed for in labor(I told Jose that I think its funny how this (childbirth) has become a badge of honor). Now I know you may be thinking I am crazy but this motherhood thing really brings a new understanding of people and in some cases a new since of camaraderie. 

Another thing I am very thankful for in this mothering journey is social media. Now I know social media can definitely be a bad thing and I will admit to a mild Facebook addiction but it has been so nice to connect with women I knew in high school but never connected with past a friendly acquaintance. Now we have this common bond of being a mother and learning as we go. I have received some of the most encouraging words from some of these women and some of the best tips for things with Teddy. I am so thankful to call them friends even though we live miles apart and maybe only know each others families through pictures.  Social media has the ability to make our generation feel very isolated but I also think it has the ability to connect us in ways not possible before. 

Anyway thanks for reading my scattered mom thoughts for the day. And for those of you new moms and not so new moms, thanks for all the encouragement. I do not think the past two months would have been the same without it. 

Our Pemberley Now Has an Etsy Shop

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hi all! I hope you had a wonderful July 4th weekend. We enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Also we took Teddy to the beach for the first time and he loved it. He really enjoyed watching the waves go in and back out again.

Anyway I wanted to share with you guys something I have been working on for a few months now. Our Pemberley now has an Etsy shop. Right now we have baby leg warmers in it but I am hoping to expand it to include ring slings and maybe some cute bow tie and cardigan onesies.

Available in the Etsy Shop

I would love if you would go check it out https://www.etsy.com/shop/OurPemberley?ref=shop_sugg and if you feel the urge to buy something that would be great too! (There is also a link over to your right to get to our shop as well.)

Happy Independence Day!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Hi all! If you are here in the USA I hope you have a fun filled 4th of July planned. We are hopefully going to be taking Teddy for his first beach excursion and then cooking out with some friends. I thought I would post Teddy's nine week photo actually on the nine week mark. Also just wanted to brag that our sweet boy slept eight hours last night! He definitely made this momma happy! Hope you enjoy your day and our sweet smiley boy!

This is what Teddy thinks of early morning pictures! 

Teddy's Weekly Photo Project Weeks 6, 7, and 8

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hi all. So once again I did not make it to sharing week six or seven before I took week eight and now we are almost to nine weeks. I cannot believe how fast time seems to by flying by. It really seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital delivering our baby boy. Anyway here the three of them are:

As you can see he was not in the mood to take pictures

I am pretty sure he thinks I am crazy when I am taking these. 

I mean really, this smile could melt any one's heart. (#heartbreaker)

I cannot believe how much our little man is growing. I think everyday he seems bigger. Is it bad that I already wish he could be a snugly newborn again? Anyway onto some small milestones for him. Lately he has been giving out a lot of smiles. Can I just tell you how much this melts my heart. I mean that toothless grin is the best.  Also I think I can see a pattern emerging in his sleep habits. (Not that this has worked to my benefit yet but we are getting there.) We have finally gotten into a routine of a nice five to six hour stretch between 8:30 and 2:00ish and then another four hour stretch to about six. It has been such a blessing to at least get a little more sleep but somehow I feel more tired lately. Maybe that has something to do with Teddy being more alert and for longer stretches. I never knew how tiring entertaining a two month old could be.

I hope to be back on this little space of mine sharing some projects soon. I am planning to make July the month I really get back into blogging. Happy almost Independence Day!

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