Teddy's Weekly Photo Project Weeks 6, 7, and 8

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hi all. So once again I did not make it to sharing week six or seven before I took week eight and now we are almost to nine weeks. I cannot believe how fast time seems to by flying by. It really seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital delivering our baby boy. Anyway here the three of them are:

As you can see he was not in the mood to take pictures

I am pretty sure he thinks I am crazy when I am taking these. 

I mean really, this smile could melt any one's heart. (#heartbreaker)

I cannot believe how much our little man is growing. I think everyday he seems bigger. Is it bad that I already wish he could be a snugly newborn again? Anyway onto some small milestones for him. Lately he has been giving out a lot of smiles. Can I just tell you how much this melts my heart. I mean that toothless grin is the best.  Also I think I can see a pattern emerging in his sleep habits. (Not that this has worked to my benefit yet but we are getting there.) We have finally gotten into a routine of a nice five to six hour stretch between 8:30 and 2:00ish and then another four hour stretch to about six. It has been such a blessing to at least get a little more sleep but somehow I feel more tired lately. Maybe that has something to do with Teddy being more alert and for longer stretches. I never knew how tiring entertaining a two month old could be.

I hope to be back on this little space of mine sharing some projects soon. I am planning to make July the month I really get back into blogging. Happy almost Independence Day!

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