Teddy's Weekly Photos: Five Weeks

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy hump day everyone. I hope your week is going well. I would say I hope it is going quickly but as I am approaching the half way point to my maternity leave I do not wish any weeks to fly by.

Anyway onto Teddy's fifth weekly photo:

This week we have hit another growth spurt and he is eating like crazy. Also he is staying awake and alert  a lot more throughout the day. The biggest development this week is that we are officially in the crib. I even removed his cradle from our room so as to stop the temptation to put him in it instead of the crib. I have to say I was hesitant about the crib so soon but it has been nice to feel like we have our bedroom back. We are now able to start having more of a routine with him at bedtime too and that is what I am hoping will get us more than three to four hours sleep at a time.

Hope everyone is having a great week! If you have any tips for getting a baby to sleep at night we are all ears.

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