Wardrobe Wednesday: Weeks 25, 26, and 27 Bump-date

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy belated Valentine's Day. I hope you had a wonderful day with people you love. I meant to post this on Wednesday and then again on Thursday but I just let time slip away from me. In my defense I did actually get a lot accomplished with house projects but anyway enough rambling. Here is what was supposed to be Wednesday's post. 

I once again let time slip away from me the past three Wednesdays and did not share my growing bump. I have definitely been getting more comments about my bump in the past few weeks. I guess people think I am showing more than I was. I just feel large and I know that feeling is only going to increase. We have our 28 week appointment on Friday complete with glucose test. (Here's hoping I pass that one on the first go round.) It is also crazy and scary to me that we only have 12 more weeks until we meet our little boy. Twelve weeks until we officially become parents. That is so amazing but also so scary to me right now. Some one is going to let me have this child to take home in 12 weeks (please excuse me while I huddle in the corner shaking)! Anyway here are the past three weeks of bump-date pictures, enjoy!

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