29 Things before 29 February Update

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hi all! So I meant to post this last week but the week just ran away from me. Here is my updated 29 things before 29. As you can see I am still not doing the greatest at accomplishing these. I am hoping February is my reset and get in gear month!

1. Complete a Photo 365 Project (Still in progress but not going as well as I had hoped. Planning to do a catch up post on Friday and start from scratch next week.)
2. Run a Half Marathon (This one will not be updated until after our little nugget arrives but I have a half marathon in mind.)
3. Start an Etsy Shop (Once again I think I have let the majority of winter pass by without doing this. Hopefully going to be putting some crocheted items in there really soon. Maybe a few newborn outfits?)
4. Read 100 Books (Still reading those same two books but I have also started on a few others. I am so not good at reading multiple books at one time so I am thinking I may need to just put them down and pick one to finish this month. Lets hope this picks up soon)
5. Sew at least 5 articles of Clothing from a pattern (My sewing machine officially bit the dust. I am still in the process of finding a replacement.)
6. Consistently Blog 4 times a week (I think we know how terribly I have bombed this one.)

7. Attend a Blog Conference (Still looking for conferences. Recommendations of ones in the south east would be awesome!Thanks)
8. Develop a Cleaning Schedule and Stick to It. (Again another bombing. Our house currently looks like an episode of hoarders.)
9. Purge our home (In progress, hence the explosion our home appears to have been through)
10.Crochet an Afghan
11. Get a new tattoo
12. Start Saving to visit London
13. Get Passport Renewed
14. Create at least one Pinterest Craft a Month (Boom I actually did one of these. Two in fact. Jose and I completed our planked ceiling and I painted the birch trees on the nursery wall!)
15. Go to a Concert (We are going to see Aziz Ansari in March does that count?)
16. Hike Table Rock with Jose
17. Visit the Gibbes Art Museum
18. Learn Spanish (Failing miserably here. I have been thinking of pulling the Rosetta Stone out recently does that count?)
19. Learn to play guitar (Again another thing that has been put on the back burner but I am planning to fit in at least two one hour practice/learning sessions this week.)
20. Eat at 5 New Restaurants
21. Visit the Beach at least 10 times
22. Visit Asheville at least once (Hoping to make it up to Asheville by the fall.)
23. Learn to Knit
24. Go to at least one Spoleto Event (When I put this on the list I wasn't thinking about the timing of Spoleto. We will have a newborn so this one is very up in the air. It may get crossed off the list.)
25. Take pictures in front of the awesome graffiti murals in Park Circle (Maybe this weeks bump-date picture?)
26. Run at least 3 5k's (haha yeah I have not run a tenth of a mile since finding out I was preggo. Hoping to start back up in June/July.)
27. Pay someone else to take pictures of us as a family
28. Do one random act of kindness monthly (I need to think of something for February.)
29. Experience at least one new thing with Jose a month.  (Does a DIY project count? I mean I think it should since the nursery ceiling was quite and experience but I would not have wanted anyone else by my side for that one.)

So how are you doing with your yearly goals? Or did you set any yearly goals?

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