Wardrobe Wednesday: 28 Weeks and a Sewing Project

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy Thursday everyone! So I am going to combine two posts today. Yesterdays Wardrobe Wednesday and today's sneak peak of a sewing project for our baby boy.

Can I just say how quickly this pregnancy if flying by. I mean I feel like we were just announcing that we were expecting and now we only have 12 weeks until we meet our little man. (Actually 11 weeks because I take these pictures at the end of the week.) That is just craziness to me. I feel like we have so much more left to do before we meet our little guy. But with that being said I am getting more and more excited at each passing week. I find myself wondering more and more what our little nugget will look like. (My main hope is that he gets Jose's olive skin tone and not my fair complexion.) Well here is this weeks bump date picture. I hope you guys are enjoying these as much as I enjoy taking them. I think its fun to look back at the beginning where I was so sure everyone could tell I was preggo and see that I did not have anywhere near a belly. That definitely cannot be said now. I feel like I am all belly (and hips and thighs).

So if you follow me on instagram (cngonzalez26) Then you know that I posted a sneak peak of a project on Tuesday afternoon. So I am sure some of you guessed what this project is (It's a quilt by the way) but I thought I would share the whole thing with you today. Now this is not going to be a tutorial because this is my first ever quilt, and I am sure the quilters out there would cringe at my lack of quilting ability. However I think it turned out wonderfully! I got the idea to make this because when I was looking for crib bedding I could not find a single thing I liked. So I thought why not try and make something. Here is my finished product I hope you like it. I am in love and I cannot wait to snuggle our little nugget up in this. Hope everyone has a happy Thursday!

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