September 11, 2001: "A date which will live in infamy. . ."

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

So I had a completely different post written for today. It was the blogtember post about my favorite online shops but I just couldn't publish it. I don't know why because I am sure there are people who would rather read a post about shopping than a post about where I was on this horrific day 12 years ago. However as I read other blogs and facebook posts about where people were I just could not hit publish. My hear just wasn't in it. So here I am about to tell you where this little South Carolina girl was on September 11, 2001. 

I was not in New York City. I was in my sophomore typing class in a small South Carolina high school. I just remember a teacher coming in and telling my teacher that she needed to turn on the TV. No more information than that just turn it on. What we saw will forever be burned in my mind. We saw the smoldering first plane protruding from the first tower and shortly after we actually saw the second plane hit.  We were all in a state of shock. Most of us had never been above the mason Dixon line but to know that this was happening in the US was just too much to take. 

We all walked to our next classes in a state of shock. The halls were filled with anger, hurt, and fear. All I could think was that my mom had friends and old coworkers in New Jersey and New York.  I wonder if they are okay. Then the towers fell and shock turned into crying and outrage. 

Once the shock wore off people who were old enough and those who were not started talking of joining up. They were angry and wanted to do what they could to restore our American dream. I think this might have been the scariest thought of all. Seeing people that I cared about thinking of going off to war was just too much for me. (For those that don't know me I am selfish and I want to keep my friends and family close). Also I did not want to believe that we would be going to war. I do not remember desert storm and therefore had never lived through a war. 

Anyway I know this post might seem trivial to some. I was not in New York on the day it happened. Not even anywhere close but it still effected me. It is a day, like FDR said of Pearl Harbor, that will live on in infamy for me. I will always remember where I was and how I felt. I will also remember the pride I felt to be an American and the need to help that our community fulfilled by donated anything and everything they could. 

I know no amount of words will bring back the lives lost that day, but to those that lost family and friends please know that we all mourn with you and they will never be forgotten. 

1 comment :

  1. When this disaster happened I was in high school, and my Mom called and brought my sister and I home. While we are Canadian and we live in Canada, we were so shook and distraught that this could happen just across the border. I still remember watching the TV with shock, and the fear that settled on everyone. I cannot believe that it has been so long since that horrible day has passed.

    (On a happier note:
    I found you on the blog hop, and am now following :D)



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