Blogtember Day 11: Memories. . .

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A memory you would love to relive. 

Sorry I missed the end of last week guys. Thursday was just crazy busy and Friday Jose and I got to spend the day together. Needless to say blogging took a backseat but I am back and going to catch back up with the blogtember challenge. My excuse for Monday is that I worked and night shift just takes it out of you. 

Photo courtesy of Indie Danielle Jones
I have a memory like a steel trap sometimes (If it is an important memory.) I can not remember where I put my keys to save my life but I can remember random things that took place years ago. Anyway on to today's challenge. 

I would love to relive my wedding day. Even though I was stressed and the weather didn't quite cooperate like I wanted, I would love to go back to that perfect day. It was such a rush to be standing in front of close family and friends professing to love and cherish Jose for the rest of our lives. And even though I love him more everyday of our marriage and we have grown stronger as a couple nothing will beat the way he looked at me when I started walking down the isle. Pure bliss. 

What memory would you love to relive? Do you have a steel trap of memories or do they fly in and out of you head in an instant? 


  1. I wish I had a memory like a steel trap! I only seem to remember random bits and pieces with no real logic behind it. :) I'm glad you had such a wonderful wedding day! Mine was right up there with a few of my favorite days ever, too!

  2. H, I just found you via The Collective Blog Hop over at Gypsybee - nice to meet you :) I am over the pond in the UK blogging as Giddy Aunt Lola at A Saucy Stitch - come say hello!


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