30x30 Week Two Recap

Monday, April 15, 2013

Well its that time again. Time for me to divulge what fashion masterpieces I came up with this week. (please read that last line as dripping with sarcasm) I do not have much to say about this week other than I am glad the spring/summer weather is finally here and I can wear my dresses and shorts. Although please ignore my pasty white legs. Hope everyone is having a happy Monday!

Day Five

Day Five Headband

Day Six

Day Seven

Day Eight

Try any new fashion combinations this week? What about home projects? I know with the warmer weather I am wanting to get outside and make our yard a bit more presentable. Also don't forget today is tax day. Hoping its a good tax year for all!

Today I am linking up with: 


  1. Fun outfits! I'm looking forward to spring, too!
    I'm visiting you today from Give Me The Goods. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    How To: Post a Link in Comments

    1. Thanks Megin for stopping by! (I love the spelling of your name by the way). I haven't gotten the chance to check out all of your blog but I love it already (just from the home page and about me sections) Thanks so much for the comment and stopping by today!

  2. Love the yellow shorts! Great job!


    1. Thanks! I actually got them from old navy recently! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Charity, I love the chambray shirt!

    1. Thanks Dear! I have actually been looking for a chambray shirt for awhile and I came across this one at the J Crew factory outlet!

  4. Cute outfits. Day 6 is my favorite! Thanks for linking up to My Style Monday today!

    1. Thanks Kayla! I am excited to have found your blog and this link up! I look forward to exploring it further!

  5. Cute and fun outfits! Thanks for linking up to Give Me The Goods Monday! Can't wait to see what goods you bring next week! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

    1. Thanks Jenna! So glad to have found your linky party!


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