30x30 Remix Week Three Recap

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day Everyone! Hope you are doing something great for the planet today. So another week has come and gone and I am another week closer to finishing this challenge. This week was supposed to have five outfits but Wednesday was a pajama day for me. Do you ever have those days where you don't want to bother with getting out of your PJ's? I have those often (mostly my first day/night off of work).

Anyway here are the outfits I put together this week:

Day Nine

Day Ten

Day Eleven

Day Twelve

What did you do this weekend? Jose and I completed the Rugged Maniac on Saturday. Come back Thursday for pictures and details about the race.  Any new outfit choices? Any home projects get completed this weekend?

Today I am linking up with: 


  1. Oh I love all your outfits! They are the super cute! And amen to pajama day! :)

    1. Thanks Kelley! Yeah sometimes you just need a pajama day! Thanks for stopping by!


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