Hear Ye Hear Ye: The Nursery is Complete

Monday, April 21, 2014

Ladies and gentlemen I would like to announce that we have a completed nursery! A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into this project and I could not be happier with the way it turned out.  I was hoping to chronicle it as we went along but between working and getting ready for our little man's arrival I just let blogging take a back seat.

There are a couple of things still left to do. Like put up crown molding and hang some artwork so the walls don't look so barren. However, Jose and I decided that we would give ourselves a little break before our bundle of joy arrives and crown molding can wait.

Today I thought I would just share the pictures of our completed nursery and hopefully in the coming weeks I can share some of the projects with you guys. Hope you enjoy our little boy's new space!

What do you guys think? I am so excited to bring our little man home to his amazing room!

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