Are You Spartan Tough?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Now before anyone gets worried I was not the participant of anything labeled as spartan. Jose however did complete his first spartan race two weekends ago. Let me tell you I did not participate but I could tell by looking at him and the other racers that it must have been hell. Just the few obstacles that I could see we're tough but apparently the ones I couldn't witness were just as tough. This is the type of race that cross fitters must drool over. It's the type of race that would make me cry of that I am sure. Anyway he completed his first spartan sprint and the could not move well for the next few days. I will just let the pictures do the rest of the explaining for me.

Have you ever completed a Spartan race? What did you think of it? What about a Spartan Trifecta? 

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