Curly Girl Update 1 year 6 months

Friday, January 31, 2014

Hi all! Sorry for my lack of posting this week but we had winter storm Leon coming through which meant everyone freaked out and work was a little crazy but I am here now and I will be updating you guys Monday on our nursery progress (hint: we finished installing the ceiling).

Anyway I was looking back through old posts and realized that I have not mentioned anything about curly girl products since last January/February. So I thought I would share with you how my routine has changed. If you want to see the original post then go here. I am just going to start with what I am using now and some transitions I have made.

I did give the diva curl line a try and I really liked it. However at $18 a bottle that was just too steep for my budget. Since then I have been using a hodge podge of things. Mostly the loreal ever pure line but when I went into target a few weeks ago to purchase the ever curl products they were no where to be found. I mean there was a spot for them but no product. I then spent an hour in the hair care isle trying to decide what else to buy. You should have seen me looking like a lost puppy on my phone reading reviews of each product I picked up. I finally settled on the Organix Macadamia Oil Shampoo, Conditioner, and hydrating mask. I have to be honest here their price tag was what attracted me the most.

However now that I have used them I am in love. I do not think my hair has felt this soft and touchable since I was straightening it everyday. (Which if you look at some recent pictures on here you will notice I had been doing for a bit). I am back on the curly girl wagon though after finding this shampoo and conditioner combo. I will give you a little run down of how I use each product.

Curly Girl Routine Revisited
Organix Macadamia Oil Shampoo: This one is pretty self explanatory, wet hair and lather in. For those of you strictly following CG then you will be happy to know this is sulfate free. 

Organix Macadamia Oil Condition: So for this one I put a little on my hair while in the shower just to be able to finger comb the knots out. Then I rinse this out. Once I get out of the shower and towel dry my hair I add more of this wonderful conditioner and scrunch it in. (Like you do with gel)

Organix Macadamia Oil Intensive Moisture Mask: So this definitely lives up to its name. I put this on about once a week in the shower and put a shower cap on. Go about my normal shower business and the last thing I do is rinse this out. It leaves my hair so silky and soft. 
La Bella Styling Gel: Yup this is the one constant in my CG routine.  I love this gel and if they ever stop making it I may have a breakdown in target. (just saying)

So there you have it, a little update on my CG routine. I hope everyone fared winter storm Leon okay. I know here in the low country we are still seeing ice and very cold temps (for us anyway) but never fear it is supposed to be 70 on Saturday. I am praying it actually makes it there because I am tired of winter already. Anyone else ready for spring?

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