A Swiftly Painted Self Portrait Challenge: November

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hi all and happy Thursday! So this was supposed to be published last Friday but I am a slacker and it just slipped my mind. Any who, this month's writing prompt was to describe a person, place, or thing that you depend on emotionally. Then we had to create an image of us with a disguise.

So first and foremost the thing I most depend on emotionally is Jose (my wonderful hubby for any new readers out there). I know this is sort of cliche and the safe answer but its the truth and I am sticking to it. He is my rock and has been since even before we were dating. When he and I met I was going through such an emotional time in my life but he stuck it out. (Thank God!) Now he knows what an emotional mess I can be and he is still always there. Always ready to hold me or talk me down if need be. Sometimes I can let my emotions and imagination run wild and he thankfully is the sane one in those times.

What do you depend on emotionally? Is it a person? a thing? a place? I would love to hear about it!

1 comment :

  1. That's a lovely portrait and the story you told us! It's great to have husband you can emotionally depend on.


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