Baby Face is Back. . .

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Tuesday everyone! Sorry this post is a day late (and double sorry if you checked out our Facebook page yesterday and saw the little teaser about this post.). Before we show you Jose's beardless self I should give you just a bit of background as to why he went beardless now. My wonderful, intelligent, brainiac of a husband applied for a JAG internship with the navy this summer. Well he got it! (as I always knew he would!) So, to show that he can fit the part of a JAG officer he got rid of the beard and cut his hair much shorter than I have ever seen it.

Now some of you may be wondering why JAG? Well he has decided that's really what he would like to do as a career. So this internship is definitely a step in the right direction. 

What do you think about his new do? I know for me I love it either way but it is going to take some getting used to again. Jose has had a beard for the last three years straight, so I had forgotten what he looked like without one. As for Jose's opinion of his beardless self he said that to keep his manliness at the same level without the beard he will only be shaving with a straight razor (picture the Sweeney Todd razor).

Did you guys do anything drastic this weekend? Any new do's? Make sure to come back Thursday to check out my 30x30 outfits and my weekend at the Kentucky Derby!

The Before:

We affectionately call this the Abe Lincoln look

The After: 


  1. Wow! What a transformation!

    Patrick grows out a beard and his hair and then chops them all off at the same time ... this happens every 6-9 months or so usually. I takes me a couple of days to get used to him. I feel like I don't recognize him :)

    1. It is quite the transformation! Yeah I am still in the not recognizing him stage. I think it makes him look so much younger and more baby faced. ;)


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