30x30 Week Six Recap

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So this past week was a short week off for me. Hence only three outfits to show you. I did however make a switch in one of the items. I originally planned to wear my black blazer at some point but thanks to Charleston weather, and the fact that it went from fifty degrees to eighty, I decided to switch out the black blazer for the romper pictured in my third outfit.

I know this is probably cheating but I could not bear to sweat to death in this heat. (Call me a wimp if you will.) Also we were going out downtown with some friends and I really wanted to wear this romper. Anyway I hope you like this weeks edition of 30x30. I would love to hear what you think?

Day Twenty One

Day Twenty Two

Day Twenty Three

How was your weekend? Short like mine? Any new projects? I would love to hear about them. Also come back Thursday to see how I made my Kentucky Derby hat.

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