A Delicious Homemade Bread Recipe

Friday, December 14, 2012

Today I finally got around to making some homemade bread. I found this recipe a few weeks ago and have been itching to make it since then. My past experiences with bread making have not turned out so well but this time I finally got it! If you are interested in trying it out for your self then here is the link to the recipe: http://penniesandpancakes.blogspot.com/2012/10/how-to-make-homemade-bread-step-by-step.html

So here are some pictures through out the process. The tutorial at pennies and pancakes really does a great job of showing you what each step should look like. Happy Friday Everyone!

A Merry Hipster Christmas and Giving Back

Monday, December 10, 2012

So life has been hectic around these parts as I am sure it has been for most of you. With the holidays always bring such joy but also so many commitments. One of these days I will learn that its okay not
to fit everything in and that Christmas doesn't have to be picture perfect. (Or decorations do not have to be up and gleaming the day after thanksgiving.) Anyway that is not what I wanted to share with you guys today. Well some about decorations but also about a chance Jose and I had to give back to the community yesterday.

Jose and I have always wanted to participate in Habitat for Humanity and yesterday we got our chance! Even though we had to be up at six am on a Saturday it was completely worth it. For those of you unfamiliar with habitat for humanity I would encourage you to go here and learn about it. It is an excellent faith based organization. Yesterday we were working on a house that is not far from being complete. We were insulating and hanging drywall on the ceiling. Hanging drywall is no small task and our arms are letting us know that today. Although we could only participate half the day (back to the too many commitments not enough hours thing) it was a wonderful experience and one I hope to repeat! Also makes me excited that I know how to hang drywall now. Another home improvement skill checked off the list.

Another thing we did yesterday was build our Christmas tree. (Yes you read that correctly, I said build.)  About a week ago, Jose found an image online of a book Christmas tree. This was not a Christmas tree with books hanging from it, but a tree made entirely of books. You at this point may be thinking wow that sounds awesome but I do not have anywhere near enough books. If you are thinking that then you are probably normal and do not have the equivalent of a small library located in your home. Jose and I love to read as well as we love books in general. So, we may have a slight hoarding problem when it comes to books, because as much as I would love to say this tree depleted our bookshelves it did not. We still have full shelves of books! Anyway I am in love with our unconventional and dare I say it hipster Christmas tree.

I hope you have made it all the way through this post. I know its a long one! In saying all of this what community projects have you participated in? Anybody going for an unconventional Christmas tree this year? We would love to hear about it!

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