A little Monday Light Reading

Monday, October 7, 2013

Hi all and Happy Monday! I know that Monday's are not happy days for most but Monday is like my Wednesday (Since I work three twelves) so I am happy that my work week is almost over. Anyway I thought I would share with you guys a little survey that Danielle (my cara box partner) tagged me in.

Is this how you thought your life would be?

I guess yes and no. I always said I would be a doctor and while I am not a doctor I do work in the health care profession. I have to say that I am so glad I did not become a doctor. I admire them but I enjoy leaving work at work and having free time. As far as my personal life I think I am right on track with where I wanted to be. I am married to the man of my dreams and hopefully when this law school adventure is over we can start thinking about expanding our family.

If money were no question I would purchase:

I would pay off all of our debt first and then I would purchase our dream home. I am not sure whether this would be building a home or buying a fixer upper and actually having the money to do everything we wanted.

What is your drink of choice when out with girl friends?

Wow this has changed so much over the years. It also depends on who I am out with. Most of the time I would say my drink of choice is a good quality beer. However when out with some of my wine drinking friends then I definitely spring for red wine.

What do you love about yourself?

My hair and my eyes. I love my curls (now) but also my hair has always been easy to straighten. It may not stay that way but at least its not impossible to get there. Also I love that my eyes are green most of the time but have a hazel ring that gets larger depending on the colors I am wearing.

Name one good deed that has gone unseen?

I don't think so. That's sort of the point of an unseen good deed right? 

What hobbies do you have that you don't mention here?

Hmm. I pretty much put all of my hobbies here for all to read. Lets think I really enjoy crocheting. I am not sure if I have ever mentioned that on here. I taught myself to crochet last year so that I could make everyone's Christmas gifts. I have since made several things and it is such a great stress free activity.

Okay now for tagging. I tag my other cara box partner Caitlin and my bestie Joni.  

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