Goals: Revisited

Monday, July 8, 2013

Way back in January I was bold enough to post my goals for the year. I was intending for you guys to help me stay accountable. (Otherwise i just slack off around mid February.) So I thought I would give you guys a little update on how my goals are shaping up for the 2013 year (since half of it is now gone).

Any who. Lets get down to brass tacks. (I don't know where that expression came from but I sort of like it don't you?) My first goal is to learn Spanish and I am ashamed to say that I put this goal on the back burner for the better part of the last six months. However, I have turned over a new leaf and have been doing Rosetta Stone at least three times a week since May. I am hoping to increase this to at least five times a week soon.

My second goal is to lose ten pounds. Well let me just tell you that this ten pounds apparently has decided to stay. I even did 30 day shred all the way through again and did not shed a pound. I did lose inches but no actually poundage. Maybe by the end of the year this will be off but I am trying to learn to love my body (extra ten pounds and all).

My third goal is to blog weekly. This has been my best goal yet. I have been continuously blogging weekly since January. I think for the rest of the year my goal is going to change just a bit to be try to blog at least twice weekly. This has been a real struggle for me some weeks but I am hoping this will change over the next six months.

My fourth goal is to run a half marathon. Unfortunately I am not sure that this will happen this year. I really want to accomplish this one day but I have not been diligent about running daily and when I finally made it up to four and a half miles I had to rest for a week because my bum knee was killing me.

My fifth goal is to be more grateful. I think this one is coming along smashingly as well. I have really been trying to take a step back and be thankful and grateful for all we have been given. Jose and I really are two very lucky people to have each other and to have the life we live.

My sixth and final goal is to get dressed every day. I am still ashamed that this had to go on here (I mean I am 27 years old for peat sake).  However I am proud to admit that at least 85% of the time I have managed to get dressed in things that qualify as real clothes. For me that means no workout clothes or pyjamas all day.

So there you have it. A very wordy post to update you on the state of my new year's goals. I hope you managed to read down to this point. Also I would love to know how your new year's goals/resolutions are coming along. Have you stuck by them or did you throw them out the window the first week in February?

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