30x30 Week Seven Recap and Finale!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I'm done, I'm done, I'm done!!!! (Can you tell I am a bit excited) Finally after two months of only wearing thirty things in my closet and no shopping I am done! Today is day thirty!

When I first started this adventure the possibilities seemed endless and I thought this would be so nice. No more worrying about what to wear or not having an outfit to choose. Also my money could be spent on home projects and not on clothing like I normally tend to spend it on. However by day fifteen I was done. It started getting hot here in Chucktown around then and I wanted to wear my cute summer dresses. But alas I stuck it out and finally here I am at day thirty! (I swear this past weekend I almost gave up.)

I think the best thing about this challenge is I learned what I have in my closet is enough.  Do I want more things? Well yes, I am female after all. I love shopping. I love imagining what and when I will wear something and I LOVE getting a good deal. The majority of my things now days come from the thrift store and I am immensely proud of that. (I love getting dressed knowing how much I saved on something just by buying it second hand). Also it was so freeing not to spend my free time shopping. I realized that shopping is a crutch for me when I can think of nothing else to do. I can definitely tell you Jose has loved not being dragged to the outlets, Target, or the thrift store for the past two months.

So would I do this again, you might ask? Yes and no. I think I would do this again as a winter challenge or a time when our weather is more consistent for thirty days. However I say no because of my work schedule and the fact that I wear scrubs three days a week, this challenge just took way too long. I mean two months is a long time to cut yourself off from the rest of your closet. Anyway I think I have done enough rambling for one day, so here are the last seven outfits from this challenge:

Day Twenty Four

Day Twenty Five

Day Twenty Six

Day Twenty Seven

Day Twenty Eight

Day Twenty Nine


What do you guys think? Would you ever do this challenge? If you have already done this what did you learn? Were you over it by the end?

Thanks for sticking in there through this super long post. Just wanted to let you guys know I will not be posting on Thursday so as to spend some time with the hubby before his big internship begins!

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