I'm Jumping on the Bandwagon. . .

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

So as I have mentioned in a few of my recent posts our home is finally starting to feel finished. Now don't get me wrong our to do list still feels a mile long. However we are reaching a point where I am not sure there will be things to blog about every week.

With that in mind I have decided to branch out a bit, I mean after all I want this to be a lifestyle blog not just a home decor blog. I am going to be putting together my own version of Kendi's 30x30 wardrobe remix. Have you guys ever heard of this? If not here is a synopsis of what I'll be doing:

1. I will pick 30 pieces from my closet (not including accessories) and remix them for the next 30 days. 
2. Unfortunately due to my work schedule (got to love night shift). The 30 days will not be consecutive. This means that what takes most bloggers one month will be taking two months for me.
3. I will do a synopsis of what I wore on Monday's (Thursdays will still be devoted to home/life projects.)
4. I obviously will not be including my work uniform in these 30 pieces. (Besides I do not really find Caribbean blue scrubs to be very fashionable.)
5. No Shopping (for clothing at least): This is probably going to be the hardest part. I find so many things a my favorite thrift shop every time I put a no shopping ban on myself!

So what do you think? Have you ever tried to only wear 30 pieces from your closet? I am hoping this will show me how to wear things different ways and to expand my creative limits when it comes to dressing myself.  This is also going to help with my new years goal of getting dressed everyday. I know shocker right that I do not get out of pj's most days I am off. (I blame night shift!)

I will be back on Thursday with all the pieces from my closet!


  1. Fun! I did Project 333, and loved it - it saved me a lot of time, made me shop less, and made me aware of how. much. stuff. is in our house! Project 333 found here - http://theproject333.com/getting-started/

    1. I will have to check that out! Thanks for the info. I am hoping that this challenge will help me with keeping too much stuff.


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