I Stopped Shampooing My Hair!

Monday, February 25, 2013

My hair six months into CG

I no longer shampoo my hair. And yes you read that right. Back in September I challenged myself with no longer straightening my hair. The method I chose to follow is called the Curly Girl Method. I did a bunch of research on the Internet about this method and its benefits.  For those of you that know me in real life then you know how difficult this is for me. I have done nothing but fight my natural curls since childhood. I could not even recall the number of "permanent" straighteners that I have had over the years. Or the number of straightening irons I have gone through. Well finally in September I decided that had to end. My hair was just terribly damaged and looked awful straight or curly.

Now it has been almost six months and my hair is healthy and growing quickly. (another thing I was hoping to accomplish because I am ready for my long hair back) Don't get me wrong I still have days that I long to straighten my hair but those days are getting to be few and far between. So what is the Curly Girl method exactly:

The Curly Girl method is one in which you use three conditioners to wash, condition, and deep condition your hair. This works for curly haired individuals because moisture loss is our biggest cause of frizz. Also you avoid conditioners with silicone in them. And if you must shampoo your hair then you need to make sure that it is a sulfate free shampoo. I know for me this sounded like it could get expensive and fast. However there are several sites that help you weed through drug store products to see which ones are curly girl approved. My routine is as follows:
1. I co-wash (that's short for conditioner wash) with VO5 shampoo or Suave Naturals Coconut
2. My heavier conditioner is Loreal Ever Sleek 
3. My leave in is Loreal Ever Sleek 
4. I then use La Bella gel in my hair 
5. And I finish it off with Aussie hairspray
I do not claim to be an expert in this but I just thought I would share with you guys what has worked for me. I am truly happy to be a curly girl now and am loving my curls. 

What unconventional hair methods do you use? Are you a Curly Girl? If so what products do you have success with? I would love to hear!

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